In Focus – Christmas 2023
During this season we focus on the light that has come into the world. We don’t have to be the light; we help them see the light and point those who are stumbling in the dark to the true light … Jesus.
We strive to help you turn your relationships in the right direction. Please enjoy our monthly In-Focus newsletter.
We strive to help you turn your relationships in the right direction. Please enjoy our monthly In-Focus newsletter.
During this season we focus on the light that has come into the world. We don’t have to be the light; we help them see the light and point those who are stumbling in the dark to the true light … Jesus.
There are numerous research studies on the benefits of gratitude, but there may be some unintended consequences when it comes to how we think about it.
Growing up, my parents didn’t wear costumes for Halloween. It was the 60’s, and things were different then. My parents stayed home and gave out candy to the trick-or-treaters.
We just celebrated Father’s Day last weekend, and I read a quote that said “The problem, Fathers. The solution, Fathers.” Reading this after the horrific tragedy in Uvalde, TX, this quote struck me in a couple of ways.
We are thrilled to introduce you to one of our newest team members! Our mission is to serve our community with excellence, and when we hire new staff at Relationship 180 we have YOU in mind. As we strive to continue providing competent and professional counseling, we want to add only the best to our group.
My husband, Rob, and I just celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. In the past, I often heard people say their secret to a successful marriage was they “laughed together” or “never stopped dating each other” or “never let the sun go down on their anger”.